Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What advice would you share with your 6 year old self? You know those moments in your life where you sit back and go 'WHAT A CRAZY FREAKING RIDE THIS IS.....' Well I'm constantly having those moments right now. Here I was at 6 years old making cooking shows in my kitchen and pretending to be 'Alison Holst' and here I am now, many years later.....making cooking shows with a Masterchef. This is mind blowing to me. I know I've talked about this before, but I had another moment today where I'm talking about my work and realised, I am that little girl who had a lot of detours along the way, but through sheer grit and determination, followed her dream. And now I get to make TV and live that dream every day. It certainly has not been easy - I'm not going to lie and paint a picture of sunshine and roses! It's been a really challenging journey and I've ended up in a number of side streets and dark alley ways along the way. It's made me realise however, how important that dream was, and is to me. I've have had some great highs and some pretty tragic lows, but if I could share anything with that 6 year old self....if I could just whisper in her ear and give her some advice to help her stay away from those stupid side streets....I'd say 'Don't listen to what everyone says.....YOU CAN.' What advice would you share with your 6 year old self? M X

via Monique Bradley

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