Sunday, July 30, 2017

Getting closer everyday to the launch of 'Easy Living With Monique Bradley!' So I want to hear from you. What's a real struggle? Finding the perfect jeans? Getting the kids to eat veges? Taming the fro? Finding your 'ZEN' mindset? Kick starting your fitness plan? Finding the job of your dreams? Or just generally finding motivation to PUT YOU FIRST??? Easy Living With Monique Bradley is about food, living and lifestyle and I'll be bringing in industry experts to answer your questions! So get creative and share your thoughts below. Love you guys xx #food #living #lifestyle #joy #purpose #personality #tv #livestream #passion

via Monique Bradley

I love our new Yourfixtv studio kitchen. Tonight's experiment was making my own butter seasoned with sea salt from Hauraki Salt Company courtesy of my mate chef Jono from Texture Catering - a private dining chef. Very tasty butter and I love knowing there's no chemicals or preservatives. It's just made from real food. Give it a go! Cheaper to make your own I found it fun!! #realfood #butter #sugarfree #glutenfree #homemade #tv

via Monique Bradley

Sunday, July 2, 2017

This lime was the size of my hand. Tasty as and full of juice. I tried this on Niue Island which was a mind altering experience for me. Adventures completely out of my comfort zone and an opportunity to face some of my biggest food fears. Life changing and inspiring. You know when life gives you lemons over and over again? What happens when it gives you a lime? What do you do when you're so used to always getting lemons and suddenly, through making one tiny change, you get a lime? So you've lived a life of the same scenarios and got the same results, until one change triggers a sequence of ripples that become life changing episodes. My suggestion on how to cope? Celebrate. Celebrate and acknowledge that you've had the balls to make a change, no matter how big or how small. Celebrate as it's acknowledging that your change was worth it. Celebrate because it's a reminder that even if a thousand doors closed, one opened. Celebrate because you were brave. While I love lemons, I'm ready for limes. #glutenfree #fruit #dairyfree #inspiration #life #change #liveyourdreams

via Monique Bradley

Dinner tonight!! Nothing like roast vegetables! Fresh veges from @farrofresh roasted with a freaking awesome new NZ Avocado oil from Green Touch. SO FREAKING TASTY! Avocado oil is buttery and has a slightly peppery flavour, so she perfect for winter veges!!! Also a very healthy option as it's loaded with good fats. Total win. Best dinner for a winters night. #vegan #vegetarian #realfood #glutenfree #dairyfree

via Monique Bradley