Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE. Why? I love to see people find their happiness and see them discover their greatest expression of themselves, knowing that I have been a key part of that journey. That brings me a lot of joy. However.....Have you ever given, and given, and given to the point where you're exhausted? Burnt out? Angry? Quietly resentful? Did those people you've helped get angry when you had nothing left to give? How do you feel about that? Is giving too much, your normal way of being? Your default? Do you like it? How's that working for you? I've been talking to loads of people recently who have shared this same story with me. How much is TOO much?? Why do we feel that we have to keep giving, even though we have nothing left? Have you been in that situation where those people you've helped over and over again, have continued with the same negative self talk and have NOT implemented your advice or taken your ideas and support and have NOT moved on to achieve their goals or realised their greatness, so it's all just been a waste of your time and energy?? Mate, I'm with ya. THAT SUCKS. I've done it. We've all done it. So why do we do it? Here's my thoughts: for me, it was because I've always just wanted to be liked and accepted by everyone. Does that resonate with you? So here's a big question for you: At what cost? At the cost of being so burnt out you no longer like and accept yourself. No deal. For others I've spoken to, it's about one day hoping to turn that support into money. One day. Why can't that day be today? Why can't so many of us simply stand in our own power and have the balls to say: I CAN HELP YOU AND THIS IS MY VALUE. There are so many reasons WHY we give too much. It's not a gender thing. It's not a mum thing. It's a HUMAN thing. In our Caveman day's we were hard wired to support the pack because if we were excluded, we would not survive. Well, times have changed and now is our opportunity to remind ourselves that we can give and support others, without having adverse affects on our energy and our health. We can't make anyone else like us. We can simply like ourselves and ensure that we put our own happiness and wellbeing FIRST. That way, we can authentically help others AND pay the bills AND FEEL GOOD without wanting to cut anyone. Know your tolerances, know your boundaries and have the balls to back yourself. Happy hump day. #ownit #wednesday #inspiration

via Monique Bradley http://ift.tt/2sZJWSP

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