Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Just had a great radio interview with Craven Noble from Kia Ora FM 89.8 about the power of conscious positivity to create a happy and fulfilling life. I love my chats with Craven as it gives me a moment to look at my own life, look at the profound learning I have gained through challenges, failures and my own self limiting beliefs and relish in the choices I've personally made to 'find happy'. Now, I'm not saying I've nailed it or that I live in a bubble of joy every day, but I do consciously choose a happier view point, as when I do cool stuff happens. My Dad Morris, who was an amazing healer and motivational speaker always said 'Thoughts are living things Monique. Choose your thoughts wisely....' and I guess that's what I'm doing. There's speakers around the world who share ideas on the fact that 'Thoughts become things' and this has actually been scientifically proven. I guess in my instance, good thoughts become cool stuff, awesome opportunities, great timing and unbelievably magnificent people appearing in my life, so from my point of view it's definitely worth giving it a go. It's better than feeling like a bag full of old socks anyway. Have a sensational day and consider, what thoughts are you going to choose consciously today? Much love, M X

via Monique Bradley

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