Just Another Magic Monday!
Greetings chums! How was your weekend? Where did you visit, what sites did you see and what joyful experiences did you share? I've been having an incredible time and it just keeps getting better and better! How so you ask? I have abolished weekends and decided to keep that same fun feeling of a weekend with me EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!!! I have a series of ways to do this such as laughing at pictures of cats such as this one, finding the joy in simple things and of course, taking High Tea!!! So you need to read my latest article about how to make the most of NOW and get rid of Monday-itis for ever!!!!Here's the link: http://www.getalife.net.nz/blog/get-focussed/just-another-magic-monday
And make sure you visit my wordpress blog as well: http://moniquebradley.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/just-another-magic-monday/
In the meantime, laugh more and be kind to yourself....Talk soon!!